• Trout Lake School Parent Involvement Plan

    2021 - 2022 School Year


    Introduction and Rationale:

    Trout Lake School is committed to the goal of providing quality education for all students in our building.  We believe that all students can learn and are proud that we have an on time graduation rate of nearly 100% and that scores on statewide assessments are generally above state averages. In addition, we are committed to providing our students with a well-rounded education that includes exposure to the arts, music, and a wide range of extra-curricular activities.  

    To ensure that Trout Lake School continues to offer high quality programs, we will establish partnerships with parents/guardians and community members. Everyone gains if the school and home work together to promote high academic achievement by our students. Parents play an extremely important role as their child’s first teacher. Their support for their children and for the school is critical to our mutual success.  

    Key elements to a successful blend of school, home, and community are communication, community outreach, and providing appropriate, factual,and timely information to our parents and community members. Trout Lake School is dedicated to doing all it can to make this blend work.  

    Trout Lake School also recognizes that some students may need extra assistance and therefore has the following program to provide that assistance. Title I is a federally funded grant based on the poverty level and academic achievement of our students. Trout Lake School recognizes that involvement of parents is crucial to the success of this assistance program.  In our school, this grant provides funding for highly qualified paraeducators to work in classrooms alongside a certified teacher. This paraeducator can focus on students who need extra assistance and help in understanding their school work. In practice, struggling students are receiving more one on one interventions with the expertise of a highly qualified assistant. This grant also funds manipulatives, supplemental curriculum, and professional development to enhance instruction.  

    Components Of The Parent Involvement Policy:

    The Parent Involvement Policy (PIP) is a required document that outlines the procedures used to keep parents and guardians informed of the different aspects of Title I. 

    1. Trout Lake School will convene an annual meeting to explain this policy and take suggestions regarding it at the end of every year. The annual meeting may take place virtually due to COVID restrictions. 
    2. At the annual meeting, Trout Lake School will revise the school parental involvement policy with the help of parents/guardians and school staff. 
    3. This policy will be sent to every parent of Title I students selected for services at the beginning of the school year.  Copies will always be available at the office and on the school website.
    4. Trout Lake School will notify all parents of Title I students, via a letter, of the child’s eligibility for this program.
    5. The school will jointly develop a Student Learning Plan for every Title I student.


    1. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held two times per year in order to discuss student’s academic performance. Parent/teacher conferences may take place via phone or Google Meet due to COVID. 
    2. Every 15 days a grade report of all 5-12 grade students will be sent home via the USPS.  This will provide each parent timely information about student progress.
    3. The school has Family Access for all student grades 5-12. Students and parents will be able to check each teacher’s grade book for assignments, tests, and projects.
    4. Trout Lake School will communicate with families in the language used at home. A staff member is available to translate written school information into Spanish and facilitate communication between teacher and parent.
    5. Through emailed news updates and community forum meetings, parents will be kept informed of school performance, curriculum requirements, and school policies.
    6. The school website, www.troutlake.k12.wa.us will provide links to various happenings at our school and provide school report card information.

    Information And Community Outreach 

      1. The K-4 portion of our school will host an outreach event  for students and their parents.  Breakfast and Books is an opportunity to stress the importance of reading (pending COVID restrictions). 
      2. Throughout the school year, we have an adult/student reading program in grades K-5 (pending COVID restrictions).
      3. Title I staff will attend parent/teacher conferences to answer questions if requested by the teacher.
      4. To encourage parental involvement, the school opens the building for community meetings and events. The Community Fitness Room allows individuals and groups opportunities for recreational and fitness related activities.  The goal of such will be to encourage outreach and connections to the school.  
      5. Senior projects are ideal for outreach.  Our 12th grade students look for community members to mentor them on new, and previously unexplored, interests.  This culminates in a presentation that is viewed and judged by community members (which may take place online). 
      6. FIRST Robotics is another program that engages community members in a mentorship program with students in building a robot to compete in regional and national events.
      7. Destination Imagination is an important program which engages students in creative problem solving in a competitive environment. The program engages both parents and community members.
      8. The Holiday Extravaganza is a one-day event which pairs older and younger students in a half day of making crafts and treats that are then distributed to members of the community. This service learning activity helps students to actively reach out to the local community. There are many volunteers that help to conduct craft-making sessions during this event. This event may not take place due to COVID restrictions. 

    Adoption Of Policy

    Trout Lake School Parental Involvement Policy has been developed jointly and agreed upon with parents of children participating in the Title I program as evidenced by Title I annual meeting minutes. 

    The Parent Involvement plan was developed and revised on 07/22/21 following the end-of-year Title I survey that was sent to parents.  The school will distribute this Parent Involvement Plan to all parents of participating Title I children and make it available to the community.