
    Creamy Baked Mac and Cheese (Contest-Winning!) - The Chunky Chef   

    Welcome to the Trout Lake School Lunch Program Page! 


    Thank you in advance for peeking at this site often, and if you ever have questions about ingredients or the school lunch program please send me an e-mail to l.doede@tlschool.net and I will do my very best to answer your query.

    Please note that while the menus listed are what we *plan* on serving on that given day, it is possible that unforeseen last-minute circumstances may prevent us from serving that meal, and we will work hard to accommodate. 

    Please see the lunch menu tab to the left for up-to-date lunch offerings (meals are also listed in the daily school bulletin in case there is a menu uploading snafu). 

    Milk is available with each meal. 


    Meal for K-5 $3.50 (includes milk) 

    Meal for 6-12 $4.00 (includes milk)